J. Marshall Shepherd, Ph.D.
(McGraw-Hill, 2000; Revised edition from StarWalk Kids Media, 2014)
Updated and reissued as a Kindle eBook by StarWalk Kids Media in 2014 (click to buy)
Order in Paperback from Amazon.com
Kindle ebook auf Deutsch
Buying through Amazon.com generates a small commission for the author, but other online booksellers also offer Dr. Fred's Weather Watch in paperback. Here are links to two of them:
Buy from Barnes and Noble
Buy from Powell's
SUGGESTION: The eBook version is inexpensive and versatile, but many will find the print version to be more useful when doing the project. BUY BOTH!
Click here to shop for the 2000 print edition.
Summary from original publisher's catalog:
Few science writers are as child-friendly as Dr. Fred Bortz, whose previous books have been praised as "solid and intriguing (Booklist) and "fascinating and thought-provoking" (School Library Journal). Here he shows kids how to predict the weather in their own backyards -- using simple, inexpensive, self-built meteorological instruments that add up to a fully operational weather station. Based on a state science fair winner, this project can easily be adapted by weather-loving readers for their own school fairs. Or they can simply enjoy the book's wealth of fun weather facts, simple explanations of weather concepts, and additional guidance for online research.
Meet co-author and noted meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd, Ph.D.
Click here for updated weather links from the book
Click here for a sample from the original Introduction (no illustrations)
Review in Science News magazine
The perfect companion volume to Dr. Fred's Weather Watch is this
five-year weather diary. It's far more than just a log book and ideal for any readers who plan to use Weather Watch as the starting point of a science fair project. Click the link or cover for more information.
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