Meltdown: The Nuclear Disaster in Japan and
Our Energy Future
by Dr. Fred Bortz

This section of "Dr. Fred's Place" is devoted to a book for middle grades and up
about the triple nuclear reactor meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan
following the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011.
The publisher is

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Meltdown! in library binding or as an eBook from the publisher
For my "Clean Coal" friends, Click here to read the book's sidebar about "Clean Coal".
Order Meltdown! in library binding from
Meltdown! was featured at the 2012 USA Science and Engineering Festival Book Fair at the Washington DC Convention Center on Saturday, April 28, 2012. There's >plenty to see, so please come!
Follow the links below for more information about or images from Meltdown!. If the link is not active, it will be soon!
- Dust Jacket
- Sample pages
- Author's Note about writing on a "hot" topic in the news
- From Reviewers and Bloggers. For some full reviews, see publisher's Meltdown! web page
- Lerner eSource downloads for Meltdown! (eSource link at right side of page, available after free registration), including:
- Additional Websites - A selection from the book's further reading/research list, the links and updates (link below), and the links to videos (also below).
- A Supplemental Reading entitled "The Energy Mix, the Energy Grid, and Energy Storage," which provides important additional background on electric power generation that was not included in the book because of length constraints.
- A Classroom Activity entitled "Build an Energy Campaign Policy," which divides a class into groups to research different aspects of electrical energy generation and then to use their findings to develop a presidential campaign position about a national energy policy, with a focus on nuclear power.
- Links to news stories and updates on the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns, the nuclear power industry, and other sources of electricity
- Links to videos of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami and its aftermath
- Links to other resources on Fukushima, Nuclear Power, and other sources of electricity
Go to main Meltdown!webpage.
Go to "Dr. Fred's Place" homepage.
Text copyright 2011-12 by Alfred B. Bortz, all rights reserved
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