Here are some of my favorite authors' Web Sites:
- Interesting Nonfiction for Kids (I.N.K.), a blog with contributions from many outstanding nonfiction writers for children, including "Dr. Fred"
- My profile at Liz Jones' Live Journal Blog. After you are done oohing and aahing about me, be sure to check out the other blog entries in this widely read on-line journal.
- Sandra Friend (formerly Sandra Downs), an up-and-coming nonfiction writer with a specialty in Earth Science. Sandy also designed my web site. I've made changes since then, so don't blame her for problems! She's earned top honors in my list of authors for her dedication to her great book about Sinkholes, which reads: To my friend and cheerleader "Dr. Fred" Bortz, for encouraging my enthusiasm about natural science writing and for helping me take the leap from curious student to author.
Click here to buy Sinkholes
- Seymour Simon, a great author of science books for young readers.
- Vicki Cobb, an author of project books with a unique style.
- Gloria Skurzynski, great with technology, whether in nonfiction or fiction.
- Get the BUZZ on TONI BUZZEO, an award-winning librarian who is earning rave reviews for her picture books. Toni's site has a great section on arranging author visits, including information about her book on the subject and links to other authors' school visit pages.
- Ben Mikaelsen, whose adventure stories are compelling for young readers and adults alike. I've had the pleasure of spending time with Ben at two conferences and in each of our home towns. I even had burgers with Ben and Buffy, his 700-pound bear.
- Rukhsana Khan, born in Lahore, Pakistan, has lived most of her life near Toronto, Canada, and is an award winning author of several books for children, from picture books to novels.
- Uma Krishnaswami, who was born in hot New Delhi, grew up in the cooler climes of Wellington, in the Nilgiri Hills of southern India, and now lives in New Mexico, brings unique perspectives to children's literature in her varied and lively books. Her website has links for teachers and children's writers, including an annually updated list of young readers' books to look for.
- Elisa Carbone is a full-time writer and a part-time rock climber, windsurfer, and white water paddler. She is the author of Stealing Freedom, an ALA Best Book for Young Adults and Storm Warriors, an ALA Notable and winner of the Virginia Library Association's 2002 Jefferson Cup Award.
- Bob Friedhoffer, who shares the science behind magic tricks.
- Maryann Weidt, who writes great biographies, including the stories of Judy Blume, Dr. Suess, and Levi Strauss (Mr. Blue Jeans).
- Steven Michael Harris, writer, speaker, performer, with a comprehensive set of links to other school performers and presenters who offer programs east of the Mississippi River.
- This link is now nonfunctional, but I can't bring myself to remove it: Fay Zachary's Free Gallery of Authors' Voices, where you once could hear me reading selections from
and from
Fay was my sister and passed away in 2002.
Here are some sites that will connect you to other authors. They can also give you some useful information about children's books, school visits, and education.
- A list of authors who visit schools, organized by state.
- School Author Visits, a web site with links to children's authors who speak at schools, plus information on planning a successful author's visit.
- America Writes for Kids and America Plays for Kids, a web site about children's books, plays, and their creators, with a click-on U.S. map to find the authors with websites. I'm in the Pennsylvania Writes for Kids section.
- Children's Book Council Author and Illustrator Links
- Mona Kerby's Author Corner
- Marjorie Ellert Berg's Infogranny Site has terrific information for young writers, including links to Authors, Illustrators, and Photographers.
- Alexa Smith has a great history of illustrated space books, including links to some of the authors.
- Children's Book Insider writer's resource pages, where you can read my comments as a past author of the month.
- "Once Upon A Time ... A Children's Literature Web Site" maintained by Prof. Mary Ellen Van Camp of Ball State University.
Cynthia Leitich Smith Children's Literature Resources is packed with up-to-date information from the wonderful world of children's literature, including an index of author and illustrator web sites, with summaries and Ms. Smith's evaluation. (Dr. Fred's Place earns a "highly recommended" rating.) Ms. Smith also writes novels for young readers, including Rain is not My Indian Name.
If you are interested in writing for children, here is a link to the information-filled website of the Institute of Children's Literature, including a full year of chat transcripts like the ones with "Dr. Fred" on Children's Science Writing.
Click here for Wee Ones magazine, where you may find one of 
When recognizing Dr. Fred's Place, Dr. Matrix wrote:
Sites receiving this award are distinguished by the quality of their content
alone. A flashy Web site will not receive this award if its content lacks
interest and integrity. A simple Web site will receive this award if it
serves the interests of discovery, mental enrichment and thoughtful
enjoyment. This award doesn't go to "cool" sites. It goes to the great sites.
It's not a daily or weekly award, but an award based on presence, here and
now. It is given in gratitude, with no other request but that you keep doing
what you're doing.
Thank you, Dr. Matrix!

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